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Successful extension of ISO 14001

New approval valid until 2024


Successful extension of ISO 14001

In addition to a high standard of quality, rff places great value on meeting and exceeding the applicable environmental protection legislation. DIN EN ISO 14001 approval, valid since 2009, was recently extended successfully.

Protecting and preserving the environment is a key aspect that has gained increasing significance in society in recent years. rff is also committed to the strict observance of applicable laws and regulations in all of its activities.

For example, recent years have seen the successful implementation of diverse environmental goals. One of these was the modernisation of the vehicle fleet, which significantly reduced the emissions from our trucks. In addition, replacing hall lighting with state-of-the-art LED technology further lowered energy consumption at the Stuhr/Bremen and Beucha/Leipzig sites.

The recertification of the environmental management carried out by the TÜV Nord inspection authority was therefore given the overall assessment of very good. Consequently, approval according to DIN EN ISO 14001 has now been extended by three years – until March 2024.

The new certificate has been updated in the management systems. It can be downloaded directly here.

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Strong connections since 1976

As a high-performance partner, we impress with the highest quality pipes, flanges, butt weld fittings and pipe equipment acc. to DIN, EN and ASME.



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