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Numerous approvals extended

Current certificates for download


Numerous approvals extended

We make no compromises when it comes to the subject of quality management. After all, you expect the best products and reliable service from us. It is therefore no surprise that we regularly have our numerous approvals extended.

In the scope of this year’s recertification, conducted by TÜV Nord, various processes for maintaining quality standards were examined and assessed with an overall “very good”.

Following on from the audit, the approvals “Processor of Materials in Accordance with AD2000 Data Sheet W0”, the QM system according to PED 2014/68/EU and the re-marking agreement as per DIN EN 764-5 were successfully extended by three years.

All certificates can be found in the area Management Systems.

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About us

Strong connections since 1976

As a high-performance partner, we impress with the highest quality pipes, flanges, butt weld fittings and pipe equipment acc. to DIN, EN and ASME.



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