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How the motif on the 2025 wall calendar came about

Beucha employee wins competition


How the motif on the 2025 wall calendar came about

The search for an appropriate design for the motif of the 2025 wall calendar resulted in a competition being launched, with all employees welcome to take part. Naturally, the new “The Perfect Fit” claim was to form a central element of the design.

The competition met with a great response, with numerous creative submissions. Nevertheless, one of the designs stood out in particular, the work of a colleague from the Beucha/Leipzig site. Marie Barton’s ”Alles aus einer Hand” or “one-stop solution” motif was given the nod of approval.

The story behind the design is short and sweet: After hearing about the competition, Marie sat down at the computer with her husband and created the design using artificial intelligence, before improving and subsequently submitting it.

“When I heard about the competition I knew right away that I wanted to submit an entry and make use of the new possibilities offered by artificial intelligence I was immediately impressed by our motif and am delighted that it was received so well and that my husband and I were ultimately the winners,“ says a pleased Marie Barton (shown here with Heiko Gottschalk). She is thrilled with the prize, which has already been given pride of place in her garden. Once again, a big thank you to all colleagues who took part in the competition.

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