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Exciting insights

Three kids experience Future Day at rff


Exciting insights

27 April was a special day - Future Day. Joshua, Adrian and Alicia were delighted at the chance to take part in this national event at our company. Alongside numerous insights into the world of pipes, flanges and fittings, there was also plenty of time for fun and enjoyment. When the time came to say goodbye, all involved were enthusiastic and a little sad that the day at rff had come to an end far too quickly.

The excitement was palpable at eight in the morning when Sabine Höfer warmly welcomed each individually. After the initial nerves had dissipated and a brief introduction was complete, the two trainees Jerome and Tino took the group through individual areas of the company. This gave the three “future trainees” a good impression of how diverse and varied our work here is. After a hearty breakfast the three explorers continued their voyage of discovery with a tour of the warehouse.

Here the incoming goods and stamping operations both met with great interest. When the picking forklift extended upwards by ten metres in the high-bay storage area the fun factor was more than evident. The tour of the outdoor storage area and a go at sitting in the truck were further highlights of the day. In conclusion, the feedback from Adrian expressed the thoughts of all of them: “That was a really cool day. I don’t want to go home; I wish I could apply here tomorrow.” There is nothing we feel we can add to this statement, we will leave it exactly as it stands.

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