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Best trainee in Germany

Malin Conrad awarded for examination result


Best trainee in Germany

Credit where credit is due – in keeping with this motto, former trainee Malin Conrad was distinguished by the IHK - Chamber of Commerce and Industry - for her outstanding examination results. In the Wholesale and Foreign Trade Management training profession she received the best grade in the whole of Germany for the subject of Foreign Trade.

The distinction for Malin Conrad did not come as a complete surprise. “When I was given a special mention together with my certificate, I already thought that the results must be unusual,” the 22-year-old states. Despite this, at that time she did not think that she had achieved the best examination results at both state and national level. She did not believe that there could not be anyone with better results in Germany, said the former trainee.

However, at the latest in Osnabrück when she was awarded the distinction of best in state and a few days later at rff when IHK Vice-President Ludolf Roshop presented her with the national award it was clear to Malin Conrad just what she had achieved. This result is all the more remarkable in view of the particular circumstances faced by all trainees due to the covid pandemic. “Suddenly there was no moving between departments. The situation at school also changed fundamentally. I asked myself how things could continue with my training and what content would be missing when the examinations came round,” says Malin Conrad, revealing her thoughts at the time.

Nevertheless, none of these difficulties seemed to faze the 22-year-old. She fulfilled all requirements in the areas of foreign trade, business and social affairs, accounting and the oral exam with flying colours. Overall, her performance was assessed at 99 percent. “Malin worked for this result over the course of her three-year training and always received positive feedback from the departments,” notes Sabine Höfer. “She is both determined and reliable, always open to new challenges,” adds Michael Allexi.

In response to the question of the direction to take after completing training, Malin Conrad replies that she in any case wishes to remain at rff. In addition to her current job as salesperson and contact for customers from abroad, she also wishes to train further. She also intends to study for a bachelor, probably in Business Management, “in the next one or two years”. “Malin has all of the prerequisites to tackle the next stage in her career,” says Michael Allexi, with conviction. In the course of the award ceremony, he promised the necessary support and that, “rff promotes further training that is individually tailored to the performance and potential for development of the employees”.

This achievement and the award that rff also received from the IHK as a training company reflect the quality and longstanding expertise in this field. In 2019 rff was already named as one of the best training companies for wholesale and foreign trade in the scope of a national survey. For this reason, Michael Allexi notes that rff ”has done a lot of things right over the course of 45 years”. For the future, this distinction is incentive and motivation to maintain a high level of training, emphasised the managing director in conclusion.

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