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Pipe connection databases
DIN EN 1092-1 / DIN EN 10253

Simple and innovative. All the major dimensions and weights for flanges according to DIN EN 1092-1 as well as elbows, tees, reducers and caps according to DIN EN 10253 are available online. This saves you the trouble of searching – our online tools from rff have it all.

The databases are structured to give you the result you are looking for quickly and intuitively. The information is displayed with drawings or simple tables. We make every attempt to ensure that the information is correct, but we cannot provide any guarantee for the information.


Data for flanges according to DIN EN 1092-1 / DIN

Our database for flanges according to DIN EN 1092-1 has all the major dimensions and weights. To browse through the database, first select flange type, then pressure rating, and then the dimensions. The result will include a drawing and the respective dimensions. Information according to DIN is shown additionally.

PN DN EN flange type


Data for butt weld fittings according to DIN EN 10253

First select the respective standard to get to the information you are looking for. Select DIN EN 10253-2 for carbon steel pipe fittings or DIN EN 10253-4 for stainless steel. A dynamic search function will then display the standardised products until you reach the desired result.

Type of fitting Type Type
Weight calculator for pipes

Weight calculator for pipes

The weight calculator for pipes

Calculate theoretical weights for pipes, round steel, square and rectangular tubes, as well as flat steel and sheet metal.

Pipe connections ASME / ASTM

Pipe connections ASME / ASTM

Databases for pipe connections ASME / ASTM

Use the databases for flanges according to ASME B 16.5 and 16.47 and butt weld fittings according to ASME B 16.9.